Checkout Form - Practice Project

  • Author: Garrett H
  • Skills: HTML & CSS
  • Time: 6-10 hours
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Practice project
In this project you'll be building a checkout form with your HTML & CSS skills. 
  • Figma Mockup (Containing a desktop, tablet, and mobile mock).
  • Explainer Video (A video where I go over the project with you).
  • README File (A text explainer for the project containing different levels and additional things you could do).
  • Once complete you can add this project to your portfolio and you can add Figma to your list of skills.

Course Lessons

Created by

Garrett Hughes

Software Engineer
Garrett Hughes has been working in web development since 2018. With no computer science/tech related degree, he taught himself how to code using various online resources and got a job as a web developer a small startup. From there he worked his way to bigger companies and now works as an engineer for a major credit card processor. He now has a YouTube channel with 15k+ subscribers and courses teaching others to become developers so they can break out of jobs they hate like he did.
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