Zero To Dev

Start learning what you need to break 
into the tech industry as a web developer.

How Our Courses Work

#1 Learn How It Works Through Videos 

The first part of these courses will be like a college course. You watch videos to learn how the language works/what you can do with it & take notes just like you would in college.

#2 Test What You're Learning

Along the way you'll be given small quizzes and mini projects to build to apply what you're learning. After you build the mini project, you can watch how I did it and compare.

#3 Build & Add To Your Portfolio

This is the hard part. You get mock ups of projects to build ON YOUR OWN. Not going to lie, this is going to be hard. You'll be metaphorically banging your head against the wall, but building projects locally, on your own is where you start to hone your new skills.

Our courses

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